“Coming to Life” is a film about a piece of material that originated in Melbourne Australia. It was donated by Sara and Victor Fonda, prominent Jewish philanthropists who founded the ‘SAVI Foundation’ in Australia a voluntary organization. SAVI’s mission is to provide occupation to the housebound elderly and other philanthropic needs. SAVI was relocated to Hod Hasharon, Israel and is managed by Mazel Sabag and Dr Linda Mosek a social worker and ex -Melbournite from down under Australia. As we follow the journey of this piece of material we meet many interesting people along the way.
- Special thanks to Victor and Sara Fonda for their wonderful donation to philanthropic causes in Israel.
- Special thanks to the Pratt Foundation in Australia for supporting the SAVI project at its inception in Israel.
- Special thanks to all the SAVI staff volunteers in Hod Hasharon.